Thursday, July 23, 2009

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

I thought we were about to celebrate New Year's Day and Independence Day.

Which Independence Day are you talking about?

Haiti, of course. It was immediately followed by another Independence Day on January 4th, and...

Which country now?

Myanmar, of course. After a while, I thought Cinco de Mayo was fast approaching, and then in a rush, came July 4th and 14th.

I know why you remember all these dates--it's because you make them an excuse to eat and drink beyond what is needed for survival.

We are here to live, not to survive.

But some people do not have that choice. Only when our survival is guaranteed, we can start thinking about living a life.

I used to think that it was mainly in developing countries that biological survival is on everyone's mind, but now I think developed countries without social safety nets are just as bad.

I agree. Lack of good social welfare system means that, at any moment, you may be thrown into a situation where basic food and shelter become an issue.

And yet, the developed countries set themselves apart by the name 'developed.' Quelle audacité, je dirais.

Well, they've got the latest technology.

According to that criterion, the capacity to construct a functional nuclear bomb makes a country developed. What do you think about the case of Pakistan?

All right, I concede that it is has to do with the standard of living as well.

We are back to our starting point. If a citizen of a certain country has to worry about whether s/he would be able to find food and roof the following day, we cannot say that the standard of living in that country is high. In other words, social welfare system is necessarily linked to standard of living, and hence, how developed that country is.

The countries with meager social welfare systems often have weak public infrastructure, I have noticed.

Some of us are unaware that blackouts should not happen if we want to call ourselves developed. What good are all these electronic gadgets and devices when electricity is not guaranteed?

If they stick to their get-it-if-you-think-you-deserve-it principle, everyone should be generating electricity on her/his own.

I sense great reluctance, even refusal, among certain circles to admit that societies work best when there is cooperation, and that any cooperation entails give-and-take elements. You can't have everything your way, because if everyone behaves for her/himself alone, we all lose in the end.

Tragedy of the commons!

I think that applies not only to resources which are limited or non-renewable. It has a wider application, in fact, to all facets of life. Isn't it ironic that Garrett Hardin was a Texan? Anyway, the reason why I referred to the days for commemorating countries' independence is that...

Every clock and watch you own is letting time pass like a maniac, and you just don't know where it is disappearing---right?

The last time when I thought life was too slow, I was nine-years old. I was anxious to engage myself in marvelous undertakings, similar to or greater than what I was reading.

For instance?

To establish a theory that is more powerful than the general theory of relativity.

Some others had the same idea, and because they were considerably smarter than you, they came up with the superstring theory. I hope you are aware of that.

It's very hard for me to get over that one.

Do you have an alternative to propose, you mean?

No, I am bad at physics, but I do know that something that attempts to explain everything does not explain anything.

Rather lame, my comrade! I would not go that far, but it is true that generalization may pale in front of a specific example. At the same time, only through generalization we can make use of our experiences and knowledge, because that is a necessary step for extrapolation.

... We got sidetracked. I was thinking about Independence Days, because my experience of late has led me to conclude that it is extremely difficult to live by the principle of liberté, égalité, fraternité.

Some may not want to live by liberty, equality, and fraternity. By the way, July 14th is not an Independence Day, mind you.

Don't you think very few would deny its greatness, though?

Ah, talk to Confucianists. Surely they would disagree that parents and children are equal.

You may be thinking that the principle does not go down well in traditional societies, but the ones without social safety nets are also transgressing it.

How so?

How can one's liberty be guaranteed when the society turns away as you lose your job? Or equality, for that matter? What kind of fraternity is it, if a company cuts thousands of workers, but the executives have the same pay that is several times more than that of employees who are laid off?

Indeed. Power should come with responsibility, and if the companies are not doing well, that must be because the ones at the helm are not making the right decisions.

Put differently, they are the ones who should shoulder the burden, but instead, they let go of the people who worked for them in the way they ordered to... We got sidetracked, yet one more time! What I wanted to talk about is liberté, égalité, fraternité on a personal basis.

I take it that you still want to.

Suppose what you say does not interest a certain person, and what s/he says does not interest you.

That happens more often than I care to admit.

Further suppose that you two are family members or friends.

I understand that it happens among family members, but friends? I wouldn't become friends with such a person to start with.

What if it is gradually revealed that you two cannot carry out a conversation that is interesting to both, but at that point, it is too late to call off the relationship?

Are we talking about some kind of an old-fashioned courtship?

No, if it were courting, calling off wouldn't be difficult. I'd simply say that I am no longer in love.

It's again your problem, eh? How did you get into that kind of situation?

Well, I happen to be a good listener.

That's a very bad joke. I hope you realize that.

I babble away when I am with you, but with others, I am more restrained. It is my strategy to listen to the other party and find out which thoughts of mine could be blurted out.


What happens in the cases that I am concerned about is that I listen and listen and listen. As they found out that I am good at empathizing, they started unloading everything onto me. The reward is that I have become one of their best friends.

What's wrong with that?

Judging from their stories, there is little of my thoughts that would be appropriate to discuss.

Have you tried?

I have. They don't cut me short, but only give acknowledgment that they are listening. I can even tell that they are waiting for me to finish so that they can relaunch their own stories. Some of them give me blank stares, and some others make a face. Some even said that I must be crazy.

Shouldn't you exercise eloquence to make your stories more attractive?

What if I understand them, but they do not understand me?

I thought you didn't want anybody to understand you.

It's different from your not understanding me. Theirs is at a more fundamental level.

Is that supposed to be a back-handed compliment?

The problem is that, if they think I am a good friend of theirs, I feel I should not let them down. I am also made to feel guilty for not being as eager as they are to see each other. My-spouse/partner/lover-did-this, my-mother/father/sibling-did-that, my-neighbor-did-what, my-child-did-this-and-that, my-in-law-is-terrible-beyond-belief, my-boss-is-a-nightmare, my-dog-is-the-only-consolation-but-she-too-can-be-from-hell, my-health-and-weight-are-blah-but-can't-do-anything-about-them, my-car-had-to-be-fixed-and-imagine-what-I-had-to-go-through, and so on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and... Please, I can't take it any more!

You may not like talking about personal details, but that is why people think you are stuck up, even secretive, you know.

It's not that I don't want to talk or hear about such subjects. It is only that they should not be the main topics. It would certainly be unfair to say that they do not say anything interesting. Sometimes they do.

Are you aware that you are insulting them?

But it's mutual! Anyway, the point is: however marvelous liberté, égalité, fraternité may sound, it is difficult to practice it, even at personal levels. In the relationships that I described, there is no equality and little liberty. I don't dare think about fraternity.

Has it ever occurred to you that they may be thinking exactly the same about you?

I truly wish they were. I will be freed of my guilty feelings.

May I deduce that you are not going to introduce me to them?

I told them about you, but they have completely ignored the information.

How can anyone count you as a friend without acknowledging the existence of our project?

... You see?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Peter Pan, why did you leave me?

I have been feeling cheated lately.

How big is the damage?

Very big. It's about life in its entirety.

Well, nobody guaranteed you anything marvelous and fabulous. I don't think anybody has been promised such things.

What about people who are born with silver spoons in their mouths?

Or, those born in a crib made of gold?

Can be both, if you are half Anglo and half Portuguese...

If you happen not to be born under such circumstances, just remember what the Georgians say. Better your own copper than another man's gold. By the way, any idea on the perpetuators who inflicted that horrible damage on you?

I know exactly who they are.

Can you give away their names?

Of course. Madame d'Aulnoy, Charles Perrault, Jeanne Marie Le Prince de Beaumont, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, J. M. Barrie...

They are all authors of fairy tales! Do you mean to say that they gave you wrong ideas about life?

Yes. For example, they inculcated in me that the good triumphs over the evil. You know how disappointing it can be when you cannot let go of that belief when you have become a grown-up.

Their stories are world famous, so if it is their fault that you believe in such a false idea, other people must suffer from the same consequences. However, we all know that the vast majority of us does not. The inevitable conclusion is that it is your problem that you cannot shed that misconception about the world we live in.

They also told me that being good will eventually make you nice-looking.

I'm not sure about that, although it is implied that correct people are always handsome.

Anyway, why did they try to deceive me in the first place?

Many of the contes de fées were written initially for adults, but were watered down for children. They were changed to meet their demands.

But that's like giving them a candy whenever they ask for one!

I guess you can say that.

I think it's a plot by the adults to keep the children innocent and simple so that they are easy to manipulate.

Just as we discipline them to be honest for our purposes? Isn't it true though that children prefer stories meant for children to those for adults?

That's the issue that I just raised. Should you feed them candies instead of other more nutritious food for dinner, just because they prefer candies?

Do you want them to start thinking early in their lives that the truly good guys are not necessarily meant to win in real life? Or, life may not turn out to be as glamorous as one wishes it to be?

Well, we can say that we overdose children with optimism so that they can survive through this arduous process called life. If we already turn pessimistic as kids, it would be harder to deal with difficulties which are to come.

Yes, we can do with some optimism, ahem.

It puzzles me that I haven't heard some kind of an apology as I turned into an adult, something to the effect of: "All these years we enchanted you with fairies, pirates, and talking pigs and bears. We also told you stories in which the good guys beat the bad ones hands down. Sorry kid, those were plain lies. Forget about them. We just wanted you to believe that you are one of the selected few and look forward to what life could offer to those few, because..."

It's not that bad, I'd say.

Let me finish, please.

All right, go ahead.

"Because if you die before you procreate, there will be a big problem with passing on the genes, you see, and that is something we want to avoid at all cost."

You've reduced it to a biological problem again!

We are living organisms. We can't get away from that, I'm afraid.

It may be so, but can't we say that the grown-ups are genuinely helping the children in facing hardships in the future?

Optimism is one thing, mispresentation of life, another. Don't you remember the shock that you experienced when you found out that a Captain Hook does get his way in reality?

For me, it wasn't a big bang. The realization came slowly, so when I became fully conscious of that fact, it had been quite some time that I had suspected it.

I think it is a crime against humanity. Everyday, I struggle with the discrepancy between what we were told we should be doing and what people actually do. If we do believe in what we teach, we should at least try to practice it. But most people go about as if they have never heard of honesty, fairness, morality, integrity, dignity, correctness...

The first one to abandon the gentlemen's code in the gentlemen's world is the one who manages to snatch away more than her/his fair share.

Those guys wouldn't understand what "more than fair share" is. They think they deserve it all. Life becomes a competition to shed decency, because that is the easiest way to have it your way. Do you know what such an attitude is called?

I know what you are thinking, capitalisme sauvage, right?

Bravo, my dear comrade! Let me add that authoritarianism, totalitarianism, fascism, etc., are all guilty of the same, namely, abuse of the less powerful.

And precisely in such a world, a silver spoon and a golden crib can be of great help...

Think about it, the ones who believed in the ideal world as presented by adults lose in the end, and those who didn't give a hoot win. If this is not a conspiracy, what is?

Another way to put it is that the children who are smart enough to realize the scheme get ahead. It's all about smartness and gullibility.

The fact remains: you should have never trusted the adults who told you and made you to trust them.

Going back to the stories for children, don't you think your childhood could have been less joyful if it had not been for the authors that you mentioned, plus Astrid Lindgren and...

Pippi! Karlsson! Rasmus! Where are you?

Michael Ende and...


Eleanor Farjeon and...

Martin Pipppppppiiiiiiiinnnn...!

... Are you still there?