I didn't know about the situation in South Korea when I said blood would flow if we knew what we thought about each other.
And kill each other? As far as I know, there are still little under 50 million people in the country. In other words, they haven't annihilated themselves.
It concerns the Internet where you can say anonymously whatever you wish. It gives you a wide range of possible targets, too. Billions of postings are out there.
Anonymity plus the volume of postings guarantee that there will be no percussion... Tell me, what's happening in the Republic of Korea?
The latest is the death of an actress, Choi Jin Sil, very well known in her country. Apparently, online slanders became so bad that she was driven to suicide. I heard that a few other Korean celebrities have suffered the same fate, namely, accusations on the Internet, depression and suicide.
I also have received hate mail from people who could be identified only by their rather cryptic e-mail addresses. It was very disturbing, to say the least, but I never imagined that it could be that bad.
Whenever I read comments posted on the Internet, the depth of ill feelings surprises me, as well as the number of hate postings. I don't understand how someone can get so agitated by an opinion of a person with whom they have never had interaction before.
It is easier to understand if you get upset by statements from someone whom you know and you happen to have grudge against.
In addition, you do not have to say anything controversial to be picked as a target. Read some of the book reviews by people who purchase books online. The rawness of some of them gives me goose bumps.
Quite a bit of frustration must have been accumulated, and that negative emotion about something else is being unleashed at the same time, I imagine.
I read more American websites than others, and I used to think that it was an American phenomenon. Now that I have read Japanese ones and learned that the Internet is the primary cause of suicide among celebrities in Korea, I am convinced that it is a worldwide malady.
A small sample for such a sweeping conclusion, I'd say.
True, I have read some French commentaries and they were not that bad. But I guess that is because I have not visited Francophone sites extensively.
Isn't it surprising that so many people get angry so easily to the extent that they have to lash out?
Definitely. As you implied, it cannot be one posting that turns a calm and happy person into a malicious and evil one. That means, numerous people on this planet are suffering from lack of warm and caring human networks.
What is the connection between anger and human networks?
Suppose you enjoy good relationships with your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. And perhaps with people you see on the street, too. Will you be inclined to attack someone at the slightest opportunity?
I thought you were of the opinion that we all have at least one hate project.
That's true, but at most a handful and for things like, cats because of your allergic reaction to them, your parents for lack of understanding, McDonald's for the same reason as José Bové is against it, etc.
We are often surprised when people talk about their hate projects.
Yes, I can sympathize with them, but still cannot help wondering if they have to get upset so much. To others, the degree of hatred is rather excessive.
So, what are your hate projects?
Shhhhh! The enemy is around!
Okay, I will spare you, if you spare me.
I have adopted a policy some time ago, with respect to making my own evaluation public. I would only say things that I dare to say directly to the person concerned.
You're mindful of leaks and rumors.
I would like to retain control over what I say, and considering human nature, I should be prepared that whatever I say about a person would eventually reach her/him, possibly with embellishments. As we have seen in Choi Jin Sil's case, rumors can become very damaging.
No gossiping, then. Doesn't it make you a bore?
I'm afraid it does. Worse, I have a feeling that many people think I'm stuck-up, but I would feel very uncomfortable acting otherwise.
You are not against my spreading around whatever you tell me about anyone.
In principle, no. I am ready to face people about whatever I say about them. But don't you agree that there can be much more to talking than saying 'you know, Monsieur Untel said such and such about Madame Unetelle'?
Gossiping seems to be as natural as hating...
I think our "innate" tendency to hate explains why there are bloody conflicts around the world.
And why we may not see an end to all that. It seems that we continue to come up with more innovative ways to harm others, as is the case with Internet triggered suicides.
"Men, in the course of civilizing themselves, have only complicated their barbarity and refined their misery."
Paul Bourget. Right?
And kill each other? As far as I know, there are still little under 50 million people in the country. In other words, they haven't annihilated themselves.
It concerns the Internet where you can say anonymously whatever you wish. It gives you a wide range of possible targets, too. Billions of postings are out there.
Anonymity plus the volume of postings guarantee that there will be no percussion... Tell me, what's happening in the Republic of Korea?
The latest is the death of an actress, Choi Jin Sil, very well known in her country. Apparently, online slanders became so bad that she was driven to suicide. I heard that a few other Korean celebrities have suffered the same fate, namely, accusations on the Internet, depression and suicide.
I also have received hate mail from people who could be identified only by their rather cryptic e-mail addresses. It was very disturbing, to say the least, but I never imagined that it could be that bad.
Whenever I read comments posted on the Internet, the depth of ill feelings surprises me, as well as the number of hate postings. I don't understand how someone can get so agitated by an opinion of a person with whom they have never had interaction before.
It is easier to understand if you get upset by statements from someone whom you know and you happen to have grudge against.
In addition, you do not have to say anything controversial to be picked as a target. Read some of the book reviews by people who purchase books online. The rawness of some of them gives me goose bumps.
Quite a bit of frustration must have been accumulated, and that negative emotion about something else is being unleashed at the same time, I imagine.
I read more American websites than others, and I used to think that it was an American phenomenon. Now that I have read Japanese ones and learned that the Internet is the primary cause of suicide among celebrities in Korea, I am convinced that it is a worldwide malady.
A small sample for such a sweeping conclusion, I'd say.
True, I have read some French commentaries and they were not that bad. But I guess that is because I have not visited Francophone sites extensively.
Isn't it surprising that so many people get angry so easily to the extent that they have to lash out?
Definitely. As you implied, it cannot be one posting that turns a calm and happy person into a malicious and evil one. That means, numerous people on this planet are suffering from lack of warm and caring human networks.
What is the connection between anger and human networks?
Suppose you enjoy good relationships with your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. And perhaps with people you see on the street, too. Will you be inclined to attack someone at the slightest opportunity?
I thought you were of the opinion that we all have at least one hate project.
That's true, but at most a handful and for things like, cats because of your allergic reaction to them, your parents for lack of understanding, McDonald's for the same reason as José Bové is against it, etc.
We are often surprised when people talk about their hate projects.
Yes, I can sympathize with them, but still cannot help wondering if they have to get upset so much. To others, the degree of hatred is rather excessive.
So, what are your hate projects?
Shhhhh! The enemy is around!
Okay, I will spare you, if you spare me.
I have adopted a policy some time ago, with respect to making my own evaluation public. I would only say things that I dare to say directly to the person concerned.
You're mindful of leaks and rumors.
I would like to retain control over what I say, and considering human nature, I should be prepared that whatever I say about a person would eventually reach her/him, possibly with embellishments. As we have seen in Choi Jin Sil's case, rumors can become very damaging.
No gossiping, then. Doesn't it make you a bore?
I'm afraid it does. Worse, I have a feeling that many people think I'm stuck-up, but I would feel very uncomfortable acting otherwise.
You are not against my spreading around whatever you tell me about anyone.
In principle, no. I am ready to face people about whatever I say about them. But don't you agree that there can be much more to talking than saying 'you know, Monsieur Untel said such and such about Madame Unetelle'?
Gossiping seems to be as natural as hating...
I think our "innate" tendency to hate explains why there are bloody conflicts around the world.

And why we may not see an end to all that. It seems that we continue to come up with more innovative ways to harm others, as is the case with Internet triggered suicides.
"Men, in the course of civilizing themselves, have only complicated their barbarity and refined their misery."
Paul Bourget. Right?